What have you gained from studying at HDS?
-a lot more confidence in my design abilities
-a huge expansion of my knowledge relating to every aspect of design
-a night once a week without kids for me to enjoy learning about design and to enjoy the company of other budding designers.
How have you juggled family with your studies?
It’s not always easy, particularly during the cert 4- trying to paint colour chips with a toddler running around my feet, But all of the work that I’m required to complete at home can usually be done once the kids have gone to bed. I mean, the fact that I was able to continue the course throughout my entire pregnancy and even straight after giving birth to my daughter goes to show that with a bit of time management, and lots of encouragement, it can definitely be done.
What do you love most about design?
I love the feeling of when you get inspired by something, and you begin the design process, and you get on a roll and keep trying new things and adding new things and it’s like you just can’t stop! But when you get to that end result, the feeling of accomplishment is just incredible!
What goals do you have once you have completed your study?
My initial aim is to build brand new homes and, with the diploma of interior design under my belt, decorate them so that they become irresistible to buyers. But week after week, new options and possibilities within the design industry become apparent to me and it’s all just so appealing! So who knows what’ll happen…. the sky’s the limit.
Keep your eye out for Bec and her new adventure with, Visual Masterpiece.