interior design students visit domayne

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Nicole’s Lounge Before

Nicole lounge after

Nicole’s Lounge After – Asymmetrical

The Interior Design & Styling students recently went on a field trip to Domayne at Kotara for a styling session. The staff at Domayne allowed the students to style a space of their choice in either a symmetrical, asymmetrical or radial balance. The students work was then assessed by the class on how the space was working and what could be done differently.

Jodi's lounge before

Jodi’s Lounge Before

jodi after

Jodi’s Lounge After – Asymmetrical

corenne lounge before

Corenne’s Lounge Before

corenne lounge after

Corenne’s Lounge After – Symmetrical

Thank you to the staff at Domayne for being so accommodating and allowing us to play with there displays.

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