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HDS recently held its graduation night for 2011 students. Students and family were able to visit the school to view students work before heading to the graduation ceremony. Congratulations to all of the students for all of your hard work in 2011. A range of fantastic work was produced from all classes. On the night certificates were handed out to all graduating students and various awards to high achieving students. A great night was had by all.
Grad Night
Excellence Awards
Rebecca Fitsimmons, Carlene Pocknall & Nicole Marshall
Excellence Awards Rebecca
Excellence Awards Carlenne Pocknall
Kitchen Design Award

Achievements Awards
Debi McClelland & Tania Harley
Achievement Awards Debi
Dual Diploma

Colour Planning & Consulting Award
Suzie Pigott & Rachel Bamber
Colour Awards Suzie Pigott
Colour Awards Rachel Bamber

Snow Rugs Design Award (Sponsored by Snow Rugs)
Christiane King
Snow Rug People Choice Award
Sandee Date
Snow Rugs
People Choice

Kitchen Design Award (Sponsored by Panelle Kitchens)
Nicole Marshall
Kitchen Design Award

Cream of the Crop Business Award (Sponsored by Mezzanine Media)
Rachel Bamber
Business Award

2012 Dual Diploma Scholarship Recipient (Sponsored by Edstein & Lathams Kitchens)
Tania Harley
Dual Diploma

Student of the Year
Corenne Earl
Student of The Year

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