WORKSHOP | get your creative on
Does getting creative sound fun to you? Hopefully the answer is a – heck yeah!!
Brooke Art Studio, located on the Central Coast, is teaming up with American artist Tatiana Soash, to plan the perfect Sunday cr-afternoon.
Wether you consider yourself a creative professional, artsy AF or a little lacking in the creative department this workshop is for you!
In the 3 hour workshop you will explore, learn & practice three core creative skills:
1 Handlettering
2 Photography / Styling
3 Collaging
Materials provided on the day, making sure you walk away from the workshop feeling more confident creatively (no matter where on the creative spectrum you find yourself).
Digital option also available. If you’re a creative business owner/IG-er/tech savvy wanting to digitally push yourself in this workshop & have access to an iPad with procreate, or laptop with the Adobe suit – bring those along, as we can work on digital hand lettering & digital collaging instead!
[icon color=”Accent-Color” size=”small” image=”icon-calendar”] WHEN Sunday 5th May 2019 1:00 – 4:30pm
[icon color=”Extra-Color-2″ size=”small” image=”icon-road”] WHERE The Chapman Building, 9/14 Alison Rd, Wyong, NSW 2259
[icon color=”Accent-Color” size=”small” image=”icon-certificate”] COST Materials included $130
[icon color=”Extra-Color-2″ size=”small” image=”icon-edit”] RSVPÂ get your creative on workshop