INFO NIGHT | october 15th
INFO NIGHT | 15 october 2019
Start your journey into the design industry by joining us for an info night!
Ask any questions you have about curriculum, dates, prices, career opportunities etc.
“Creativity involves breaking out of established patterns in order to look at things in a different way.”
– Edward de Bono
Applications are now open for all 2020 courses.
- Diploma of Interior Design
- Diploma of Graphic Design
- Certificate IV in Graphic Design
- Certificate IV in Interior Decoration
- Certificate IV in Creative Styling for Events
- Certificate III Design Fundamentals
- Floristry
- Colour Consulting
- CAD Revit
[icon color=”Accent-Color” size=”small” image=”icon-calendar”] WHEN Tuesday October 15th 5.30 – 6:30pm
[icon color=”Extra-Color-2″ size=”small” image=”icon-road”] WHERE 67 Parry St Newcastle West
[icon color=”Extra-Color-2″ size=”small” image=”icon-edit”] RSVP Here
For more info, please call 02 4915 7007 or contact us below